
Children's Lighthouse of Minnesota is thankful to the following organizations of who have pledged their support to the need for additional services for children with life-limiting conditions and their families in our community: 

Robert J. Sloheim, President
N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. – Edina, MN
Lyn Ceronsky, DNP, CHPCA, Director, Palliative Care
University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview – Minneapolis, MN
Josh Taylor, Executive Director
HopeKids – Twin Cities, MN
Scott & Deb Millard, Co-Founders
Connor’s House – Philadelphia/New Jersey area
Ted Bowman, Trainer/Educator
Independent, MN
Rev. Peter E. Lund, Chaplain
Previously with Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota – Twin Cities, MN
Scott Schwantes, MD FAAP, Medical Director of Pediatric Pain and Palliative Care Services
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare – St. Paul, MN
Gail Hessell, Hospice Manager
Very Special Kids – Victoria, Australia
Janet Will, RN, MS, Director
Dr. Bob’s Place – Baltimore, MD
Lisa Upshaw, Contract & Commissioning Manager
Naomi House – Winchester, Hampshire, UK
Filomena Nalewajek, Chief Executive Officer
Canuck Place Children’s Hospice – Vancouver, BC
Maryah’s Story
Rachel & Dan Perez, Zachary & Twila Tift – St. Paul, MN
Barbara Beach, M.D., Co-Founder and Medical Director
George Mark Children’s House – San Leandro, CA
Margaret A. Wolters, Independent Hospice Consultant – Minnesota
Holly & Jonathan Cottor, Co-founders
Ryan House – Phoenix, AZ
Tery Johnston-Haik
North Memorial Hospice – Robbinsdale, MN
Ellis’s Story
Sam & Melissa Bergstrom – Maple Grove, MN
Sandra Maguire, BSW, RRT-NPS, LRT, Managing Director of Nursing & Pharmacy, 
Pediatric Home Service – Roseville, MN

Independent Businesses

Children's Lighthouse of Minnesota is also extremely grateful to the following businesses and people who support the organization through their business:

Vivid Print Solutions, St. Paul 

Michael Anderson Photography

Kim Berning, Berning Design
